- Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
- International Experts Meeting „TVET, Digitalization, Work 4.0 Key Messages
- Tagungsdokumentation “Vierte Industrielle Revolution”
- International Symposium “Professionalisation of TVET Personnel”
- Initiatives to foster Chinese TVET and TVET Teacher Training
- Corporate HRD and Skills Development for Employment: Scope and Strategies
- Linking Vocational Training with the Enterprises - Asian Perspectives
- Vocational Education and Training and the Labour Market - a Comparative Analysis of China and Germany
- TVET Teacher Education in the Threshold of Internationalization
- The Bologna Declaration and Emerging Models of TVET Teacher Training in Germany
- Approaches to Action Learning in TVET
- Berufsbildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung
- Research for TVET Policy Development
- Potenziale von Migrant/innen auf Arbeitsmärkten